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Dell Technologies Bolsters PC Security for Today’s Remote Workers – David Konetski

Cybercriminals are opportunistic by nature, altering their attack methods to compromise endpoints and access critical data. This is never truer than during times of change such as now with the overnight shift to a global remote workforce. With cybercriminals ramping up activity, organizations need to protect their remote workers starting with the devices they use […]


Unpatched Vulnerabilities Caused Breaches in 27% of Orgs, Finds Study

In May 2019, Verizon Enterprise released the 12th edition of its Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). Researchers analyzed a total of 41,686 security incidents, of which there were 2,013 data breaches, for the publication. More than half (52 percent) of those reported breaches involved some form of hacking. The report listed the most prominent hacking variety and vector […]